Monday, 10 January 2022

Double Loyalty Points @ IBEX Camping

Earn Double Points at IBEX CAmping until the end of January

We're starting the New Year with a Double Points event.  

From Today , 10th January until the end of January we've doubled our Loyalty Point Value from 0.03p to 0.06p for every £1 you spend with us. Spending your points is simple ... you can spend as little or as much as you'd like. Your Loyalty points are ready to spend as soon as we have dispatced your order and there's no minimum spend! 

To receive your Loyalty rewards you just need to create an account with us when you shop , if you've shopped with us without an account we can simply send you a link to create an account. Our clever system will then automatically award your loyalty points for you. 

Thank you for reading this post , our family team of experienced campers are always happy to offer a little advice! Shop @ IBEX Camping

Thursday, 6 January 2022

Best Portable Table Top BBQ? The Campingaz® Attitude 2Go CV

The Campingaz® Attirude 2GoCV -Portable Gas Table Top Barbeque 

 Looking for a truly portable table top Barbeque? The Campingaz® Attitude 2Go CV is feature packed and uses Campngaz® CV470 Disposable Gas Cartridges  , supplied with a Hose and Regulator simply click / twist and your ready to use.  

The Campingaz® Attitude 2Go features gives steady regulated cooking thanks to the Campingaz® Blue flame technology ensuring that the cast iron enamelled grill gives even and manageable cooking ,  we love that the griddle has a 5 Year Warranty too. The Die Cast Aluminium Lid features a thermometer and can be used to  retain heat and provide convection cooking , the lid for the Campingaz® Attitude 2Go CV Lid has an extemely generous 10 year warranty too!  Easy to clean thanks to the front loaded removable grease tray allowing the quick and easy removal of cooking fats. The Campingaz® Attitude 2Go CV is fitted with a Piezo ignition , simply click to light without the need for matches! 

Operating from CV470 Disposible Gas Canisters readily available makes the Campingaz® Attitude 2Go extremely versatile and portable too! It's worth considering though that disposable gas canisters are a little more expensive per gram of gas than refilable gas Cylinders. (The Campingaz has a gas consumtion of 175g/h depending on conditions) A CV470 Contains 450g Gas giving an average  of 2.5 hours runtime from one Gas Canister... Disposable Gas Canisters are much more convenient - no large gas cylinder to store and space efficient for packing for your  camping trip or picnic! No Contract to sign or deposit to pay, 

Campingaz Attitude 2go CV Features

A few facts and figures ... the Campingaz® Attitude 2Go CV  weighs 13kg and measures 59 x 52 x 36cm with the lid down , it has a generous cooking surface of 48 x 26cm giving 1200cm²  cooking area.  1 x 2.4 KW Stainless Steel Gas Burner 

Thank you for reading this post , our family team of experienced campers are always happy to offer a little advice! Shop @ IBEX Camping

Tuesday, 4 January 2022

How to Hire a Tent for New Wine 2022

We're delighted to have New Wine at Peterborough Showground back in our diary for 2022. We've been incolved with events at Peterborough Arena since 2011 , previously Faith Camp , being the event that sparked our successful Tent Hire Side of the business. Our Family Team of experienced campers are delighted to offer ready pitched Tent Hire and camping equipment too , leaving you to arrive , enjoy and leave the depitch to us! 

Take the hassle out of pitching up ... We'd be delighted to quote for your family , group or individual tent hire at New Wine England 2022. Our Team of experienced campers are always happy to offer a little advice and prepare your bespoke quotation , having camped with our own 4 children since 4 months old we have plenty of experience with the changing needs of family camping and are more than happy to share our words of wisdom :) Once you have booked and a little nearer the time we'll take your village host details and any specific requirements you may have , we'll then liaise with your unit Hosts onsite to ensure your Tent is perfectly pitched .... Having pitched at Peterborough Showground for quite a few years we are extremely familiar with the lay of the land and the bits to avoid! 

Choosing your equipment .... choosing the right tent can be a little difficult especially when you can walk through but we are always here to help , we can offer advice on sizing and the best combination of camping equipment to ensure you have the perfect stay at New Wine 2022. 

Never more than a phone call away .... our main base is located just a 20 minute drive from Peterborough Showground so we are just a short journey away should you need any assistance during your stay. Your tent and camping equipment will be supplied with everything you need to carry out your daily checks and we are only a phone call away. We are usually based at the Showground for the start, leave and changover days too! 

What about covid ...... well who'd have thought we'd still be thinking about COVID in January 2022? For all our 2021 Tent Hire bookings we introduced our safe hands booking policy and a new way of working for both our collected , pitched tent hire - following all the relevant guidelines and safety advice with our priority always being keeping everyone safe. For 2022 we'll be continuing this too ... we'll work closely with the Team at New Wine to ensure we also follow any safety advice or recommendations they may have alonside any government advice. 

Time to book .... due to the Covid outbreak we are more than happy to quote and then confirm your booking verbally , we aren't taking deposits until March at the earliest just in case things change. Once we are confident that New Wine will go ahead we'll be in touch to take final balances (No earlier than 14 days before your hire period starts)  and your pitching instructions too!   

We'd be deligted to quote for your Camping_adventure at New Wine , there's no commitment to book with us so if you'd like to know a little more we'd be delighted to  prepare a quotation for you.  Send us a Tent hire Quotation Request 

Thank you for reading this post , our family team of experienced campers are always happy to offer a little advice! Shop @ IBEX Camping